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2021-03-18 06:12admin373次

四川铜币军政府是由四川铜元钱币演变过来的,最早铜元清光绪二十八年of the bronze dollar, the governor of Sichuan Province began to discuss the founding of the copper coin. Guangxu twenty-nine June, the establishment of Sichuan copper Bureau, its scale is small, only for the original purchase of small money making waste machine repair and use. The factory is the machine Bureau's copper pressure plant and the old copper coin factory, the casting material is the machine Bureau's shell shell residue and the Bao Chuan Bureau copper remaining, the smelt completely. "Dangwu" and "Dangshi" copper yuan are cast in 96% copper, 0.1% lead and other proportions. The cast copper is pure copper with good quantity. The copper coin became one of the characteristics of the national copper dollar.
The military government built copper coins as a product of the revolution of 1911. In December 1911, a "rebellion" took place. Yin Changheng and Lun Lun replaced the government of the Great Han government, which was only built for 12 days. At the beginning of the construction of the new army government, it was faced with the financial embarrassment situation that needed to be used for many times, and the amount of expenditure was insufficient. The junta quickly accepted the mint and decided to create "copper coins" for emergencies. In the first year of the Republic of China Art Media Co., Ltd.
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标签: 成都代孕医院


